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This morning I woke up at 4:15 to go work out, but I was not going to yoga, the gym, or anything more "typical" this morning. I hopped in a cab and went to a trendy event space to wait in line with other people dressed in a variety of ways: some in more traditional workout clothes, some in costumes, and some in work or street clothes. At 6am, we were granted entrance for our first activity: an hour-long yoga class to get us ready for the main event. The yoga class was packed - there was probably about 100 people. From 7am-9am, we had a GIANT DANCE PARTY with a DJ and an MC and everything. 100 more people showed up after yoga, and the space was packed with people getting their early morning groove on.

This is an event called Daybreaker, and the first one took place in New York in 2013. Today marked the first Daybreaker in Chicago. Daybreaker is a pretty amazing concept - it promotes safe but fun partying without the use of alcohol or drugs, and it also frames dance partying as a form of fitness. In addition, the atmosphere and energy of the party was amazing. People were so positive and accepting! If someone got up on stage to dance, everyone cheered them on and clapped for them. People were just psyched to start their day on a different note - on a happier note. The MC talked a lot about how we have the opportunity to choose happiness every morning, and by getting up and going to Daybreaker, we ourselves were choosing happiness. At the end of the event we huddled into a group hug, watched a performance by a local artist, and read an intention for the day as a group.

In addition to dancing and yoga, there were free snacks and healthy bevarages like my favorite VitaCoco coffee blends (Mocha is my favorite flavor). The complimentary snacks were definitely a great addition to the feeling of postivity, boundless energy, and supportive community thst Daybreaker created. It was an energizing, beautiful, and powerful experience that really shows the magic of community, and what can happen when a bunch of people come together and bring positive vibes.

Thanks, Daybreaker, for helping me have a new outlook on mornings, choosing to be happy, and living each day.

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