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Adding Nutrients

Continuing with this theme of goals and intentions for a healthier, better year, one of my goals is to make more positive changes to my diet. I have been lucky enough to be able to spend more time in the kitchen, and more time researching recipes that will be delicious and will add a wider variety of foods to my diet. I used to make and drink smoothies every day, but once my schedule got more hectic I stopped taking the extra time in the morning to make smoothies. One of my goals for this year is to get back on track with making smoothies, and using this as a strategic method to add an increased number of fruits, veggies, and nutrients into my diet. I also have noticed recently more than ever before how changes in my diet corrolate with how my deals with intense workouts. The better I can eat, the more able I am to push my body in workouts.

One of the smoothies that I have been loving is this green smoothie from I have not been adding the brazil nuts or celery, but it's a delicious smoothie! In addition, this website has taught me so much about what different nutrients and even spices can do for your body.


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