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Courage and Resilience

This weekend has been a challenging one for me - I worked all day every day, and it seemed like one thing after another kept going wrong. Every day I tried to start fresh, but no matter what it seemed like there were always mistakes to fix. I tried to be strong despite my frustration, but it becomes so difficult to be positive when I feel like I'm failing. There is one quote, though, that has gotten me through the week.

I don't really consider myself a courageous person. In fact, the word "courage" hardly ever penetrates my consciousness. However, the past two weeks, this word has become my mantra. I realized, particularly this weekend, that courage can take many forms depending on the situation. This quote definitely illustrates the way in which I was courageous despite all the challenges I faced this weekend. Sometimes, especially when things are tough, literally all I can do is take a breath, and do my best - no matter what mistakes I made. I was proud of myself for taking accountability for the mistakes I made, and my resilience for continuing to get back up each time I fell.

Despite all this, I was hard on myself, which is something I need to work on. I expect a lot from myself, and when I struggle it's hard for me to stay confident and be comfortable and grounded in my experience. This weekend was the perfect time to step back, take a breath, and let go of the frustration I had at myself. I will always be able to try again, and do better, tomorrow. What matters is that I learn from the mistakes that I make, and that I continue to stand back up every time I fall.


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