What's Your Mat Motivation?
The past couple of weeks, I have had a hard time coming to my mat - and when I do, I have struggled to find a fulfilling and nuturing practice. After a little over a week spent away from my mat, today I finally came back to it. I went in to practice with the intention that I wanted to really listen to my body and do what would feel healing - I didn't want to push myself too hard. During my practice, something amazing happened - my mind was completely slowed down, as if any thoughts I had were swimming in slow motion. No matter how quickly or slowly my body moved, my mind was slow and almost disconnected. I was so calm, and so in tune to exactly what I needed. I am trying to figure out why my practice today was so radically different than my practice has been. I think that, maybe, it has to do with my intention or motivation walking into the class. I want to try and find different motivations for coming to my mat that does not involve burning calories - I'm hoping it will shift my focus, and help me find a more healing practice.