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"Why Not Me?"

I went to yoga earier this week, and during our meditation at the beginning of class my teacher was telling us about how she recently got invited to co-host a yoga retreat in Brazil. She said it has been her goal to get into retreats for a long time, but it is a hard market to break into. When she got invited to co-host, instead of celebrating and feeling confident, she said she was asking herself, "Why me? Why was I chosen, out of everyone else? I'm not the best teacher ever, I don't have the most followers on Instagram, why me?" She then turned it around and said, "Well, why NOT me?"

I love this question because it does not focus on what you lack, but rather on what you have to offer. Whenever I am having a hard time, or feeling insuffient, particularly at work, my boyfriend always reminds me that I was chosen - no one else. They picked me. And why NOT me? We all have so much goodness to offer, and sometimes it is easier for others to see our potential than it is for us to be able to see our own potential. When we receive opportunities that we have been working toward, or dreaming about, it's important to remember that we took the steps we needed to and worked hard to make those opportunities happen - we are deserving of all the good things that come to us because we worked toward them. And, as we think about what else we are currently working toward, I think the "why not me" question becomes a way for us to channel positivity and good energy toward making our goals a reality.


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