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Teachings From My Teachers IV

In my yoga class last night, my teacher talked about being in times of transition. During these times, she said that we tend to look back at what we have accomplished and see the gaps where we did not complete our goals. Instead of focusing on what we have not accomplished, she urged us to focus on all that we have we accomplished - all those things for which we should feel proud, but somehow we don't. She asked us how we would find acceptance, but she did not really give us an answer.

As I moved through my practice thinking about how to accept where I am in my life right now, I realized that the more grateful I was for the things I had accomplished, the less important everything I hadn't yet accomplished became. I began to feel the weight of failing lift. As this happened, my teacher gave us all an important reminder that we need to hear more often:

With that, the guilt and disappointment at myself vanished. I realized that it will all be okay, and my remaining goals will be accomplished in due time.

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