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Yoga Hack: Sinking Breath

You know when you're in a pose, and you feel stuck? Your immediate reaction is to hold your breath. However, holding your breath will make the pose more difficult and you will only feel more stuck. Upon noticing this feeling of being stuck, you start sinking. Sinking breath can help bring you further into the pose, and you'll find a new expression and a new comfort in poses that were once difficult or stressful.

How to sink:

Inhale, then on the exhale imagine sinking further into the pose. Imagine your muscles releasing, relaxing, and stretching out. Clear your mind of all thoughts except imaging a complete release. This is especially helpful in poses which stretch the backs of the legs, such as forward folds. It can also be used in hip openers such as prone frog or pigeon. It's a great trick that will help you find a new level of calmness and openness in moving meditation!

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