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Teachings from my Teachers V

When my yoga teacher said this, it immediately struck me as a mantra I need to have in my life always. I have spent so much time thinking of my perfect future that sometimes I forget that it will take years to actually get there - and that there will be many surprises, twists, and turns along the way. I have just begun my journey to my life goals, and I have to trust that, intuitively, I know how to reach those goals.

Along with this idea of trusting my intuition, I also think this mantra serves as an important reminder. This mantra reminds me that, as I go through life, I need to constantly be analyzing my choices to make sure that what I am currently doing is still on track with my goals. This mantra reminds us that we should never be going through our lives on autopilot, without a mission. And this is a very good reminder about living your most authentic self.

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