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Fight the Cold, Open the Heart

For those experiencing winter, we know how brutal the cold can be. We are constantly tired, hungry, and it takes all the energy we have just to get dressed! When we experience cold weather, we also tend to close ourselves off. Think about walking in a brutally cold winter wind. Our shoulders hunch up and in, and we bend forward as we try to fight our way through the wind and snow hitting us in the face. When our hearts are closed off because of the cold, we don't think about the fact that we need to counteract it. Opening the heart has many physical and mental benefits. One of the primary benefits of opening the heart chakra is awakening compassion for self and others. We are more readily able to give and receive love, and we open ourselves up to more possibilities and opportunities. Working these poses into your daily practice can help counteract the negative effects of cold weather, and cultivate a warm and open heart.

Try using affirmations as well, such as "I am light, I am peace, I am love."

1. Camel

2. Supported fish

3. Easy backbend

4. Bridge

5. Wheel

6. Bound Locust

7. Crescent Lunge with Backbend

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