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Teachings From My Teachers I: Be Your Own Rock

Today I went to a yoga class at my studio for the first time in two months. In the last two months I still did yoga, it just wasn't at my studio. This class was just what I needed, as it usually is. This evening our mantra was "be your own rock." She talked about how, at the end of the day, we are responsible for being our own support system - no matter how many other people we have cheering for us. We need to learn how to create a support system for ourselves. I think this is particularly important in yoga, even though our bodies support us, sometimes our minds still lead us in undesired directions during class. As is the goal of yoga - we need to learn how to take this positive support for ourselves off the mat and into our lives.

I needed this reminder today in particular. The past couple of weeks have been tough - things just seem like they won't work out the way I want them to. This has made me quick to feel anger, frustration, and sadness when things don't go the way I imagined. I noticed that I have been relying a lot on other people telling me that everything is going to be okay, because sometimes I really don't believe it. Being in class today made me realize that I need to know and feel my potential and my power. I need to start telling myself that everything will get better soon. I need to give myself the hug, the pat on the back, and the encouragement to keep going.

Ultimately, nothing will work out if I don't believe that it will. I have to be the one to pick myself up and continue to push on. Even though I know this in my heart, class today was a great reminder that I am strong enough to support myself in every endeavor - and that I can succeed. I am definitely still learning how to support myself, and having other people believe in me helps a lot.

Still, I have to believe in and support myself in order to move forward and grow.

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